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MacKayla Lane’s life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that breaks down only every other week or so. In other words, she’s your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman. Or so she thinks…until something extraordinary happens.

When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death–a cryptic message on Mac’s cell phone–Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister’s killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed–a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae….

As Mac delves deeper into the mystery of her sister’s death, her every move is shadowed by the dark, mysterious Jericho, a man with no past and only mockery for a future. As she begins to close in on the truth, the ruthless Vlane–an alpha Fae who makes sex an addiction for human women–closes in on her. And as the boundary between worlds begins to crumble, Mac’s true mission becomes clear: find the elusive Sinsar Dubh before someone else claims the all-powerful Dark Book–because whoever gets to it first holds nothing less than complete control of the very fabric of both worlds in their hands….

From the Hardcover edition.

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Customer Buzz
 "I loved this book" 2009-07-29
By Joanne Harris (GA USA)
This book is full of fun. The characters are slow to develop, bu they do eventually. I was drawn into this book, and could not put it down. Great description, creative world, good characters and I love a cliff hanger! Fun, and right now it is free for Kindle.

Customer Buzz
 "just HORRIBLE!" 2009-07-28
By jfp
I loved Ms. Moning's Highlander series and was really excited to read this new book (even though I was disappointed she had decided to start a new series rather than continue with the Highlander books). This book was terrible- Mac is annoying and Barrons does nothing for me. I can't believe this is part of a 5 book series- I will not be reading any more. Hopefully after she finishes this series, Ms. Moning will write more books like the Highlander series.

Customer Buzz
 "Quick, fun and absorbing read" 2009-07-26
By Willow Brook
This was a freebie for the Kindle. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have read it. Urban Fantasy is not really my favorite genre. Also, somehow I've managed not to read any of Moning's books. So given all that, Darkfever was a wonderful surprise. The story sucked me right in and was a quick, fun, interesting read. The young (only 22), humorous, and determined heroine, Mac journeys into the dangerous and bewildering world of Fae who are starting to take over Dublin. In an effort to discover who murdered her much loved sister, Mac teams up with the mysterious, not very nice but full of valuable information (which he may or may not share with the poor girl) Jericho Barrons. Mac struggles with whether she can trust Jericho who doesn't go out of his way to reassure her. Nonetheless, he is her best bet for survival and finding her sister's murderer. Meanwhile, Mac's newly discovered psychic skills are extremely useful to Jericho.

Moning does a great job of creating the creepy, frightening Fae and the powers they have over humans. Mac is a well-rounded character who comes into her own under enormous pressure and danger. Jericho is an intriguing hero who keeps Mac and the reader guessing as far as his motivations, ambitions and abilities.

I have only one quibble. I started to get annoyed by the frequent portentous comments such as "I didn't realize then but..." "I later came to see..." "If only I had know how true his warning was." But the ominous references to future events also fit in the 1st person narrative and the unfolding story, so it really is a small quibble.

All in all, this free 1st book has drawn me into the series as well as introduced me to a talented author to read. I give it a solid 4 or even 4 1/2 stars for being such an absorbing read

Customer Buzz
 "Bimbo in the underworld" 2009-07-26
By Gina K (PA, USA)
To add to what others have said, the story concept is intriguing, but the heroine, Mac, is not. Mac is a twenty-something, but a mental and emotional pre-teen. Starting as a mystery, the story quickly evolves into a horror fest with erotic twists. Mac goes to Ireland to push the investigation surrounding her sister's death, since it seems to have burned out. Then, like Alice, she falls down the rabbit hole by taking a wrong turn in Dublin to enter an underworld where a battle between evil and not-so-evil? is taking place. She discovers she has special powers, can not figure out who the good and bad guys really are, and, as others have said enters a strained relationship with Barrons, some kind of dark prince. There is a lot of ambiguity in the story and characters, with no clear ending. Mac does seem to mature a bit toward the end, thank God, or I would have had to stop reading the book. Overall, the novelty of the story and descriptions of fae kept me interested to finish the book and even read the follow up story, where hopefully our heroine will act her age.

Customer Buzz
 "first timer" 2009-07-26
By chi-keung moy
it was the first timei read a book from this author and i found tha it was extremely good

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